Making Christmas: Paleo Pies, Prime Rib, Clean Cookies for Santa, Mary Poppins, and a DIY Lego Table…

Christmas Eve eve…when the making of Christmas really begins… 🎄❄️😍❤️
The goal: Have as little possible to accomplish on Christmas Day other than hanging out and playing with the littles.

So today…

*Cookies for Santa baked (and nearly burnt…doh!) by me and the kids. 🍪

I asked het to go grab an apron. she came back with a cape.

*Prime Rib seasoned by Anthony.

Me and My Love Taking the Kitchen By Storm


*Pumpkin Pie baked by me.  

*DIY Lego table under construction (me). 🎁 

*”Mary Poppins” as performed by Nolan Lam for his sissies and neighbor friends. 🎭🎶 

It’s been a good day.
Cookies (my fave clean chocolate chip cookies!!):
Pumpkin Pie Filling:
Pumpkin Pie Crust:

Homemade Flubber for Sensory Play

So y’all know that I’m a Health and Fitness Coach and that I like to cook and feed my family clean, healthy and delicious food. But above all else, I’m a Momma and playing with my little people is a huge part of what re-focuses my heart and fills up my soul.

This morning the weather was beautiful and sunny, but as it is late November here in Oregon, it was cold…like 27 degrees cold. Brrrrrr. Yesterday me and the bubs bundled up in mittens/gloves, jackets, hats, snow pants (for one) and leggings under pants (for two) and braved the cold for a bright, crisp sunshiny trip to the zoo. It was wonderful. The animals were full of energy, playing and wandering around. My babes walked almost the entire four hours that we were there and overall, the day was a success. But…I wasn’t quite ready to bundle all back up and head out for another big adventure this morning. Enter…FLUBBER!

My kids (most kids, really) LOVE sensory play. They love play dough. They love a bin of beans and things to scoop with. They love water play, sand, dirt, etc. Today I decided to try something new! So…we made some homemade flubber for sensory play! The recipe was so simple and I was able to whip up two batches (should have done three and had one for each kid, but…live and learn) in less than 10 minutes (and an added bit of “cooling” time).

Ingredients (for one glob of homemade flubber for sensory play)
*1.5 cups of water
*Food coloring (optional – pretty sure mine was from 1982…need to work on that. Haha)
*2 Tblsp. of psyllium husk fiber supplement (like Metamucil)

*Microwave (you could very likely cook this on the stove, but it would obviously take longer and I haven’t tried it to be certain)
*A microwave safe bowl that is big enough to contain 6 (or more) cups

*Add 1.5 cups of water into large microwave safe bowl
*Add drops of food coloring, if using
*Add 2 Tablespoons of psyllium husk fiber supplement
*Stir well until the mixture is evenly combined
*Microwave for 6 minutes while watching closely to ensure it does not boil over the edges. If it starts to bubble over, open the microwave door and let it cool for 30-60 minutes and then proceed.
*Place in the refrigerator to cool for 15-20 minutes (you may want to pour the flubber into something a bit shallower if your bowl is tall so that it cools quickly and evenly – I didn’t do this. It wasn’t the end of the world, but it did take a little longer to cool).
*After it cools, if it feels too sticky, micro it a little longer and then re-chill (I used two different bowls. One I needed to cook longer. The other I didn’t. Not sure why…)

*Once it is cooled and ready to play, give the flubber to your littles and watch them explore it. Give it to them solo, with no other tools or toys. Let them experience it just as it is. How it stretches, squishes, feels, flips, breaks, goes back together, etc.

*Once they seem to be losing steam a bit, introduce one “new” item at a time to use to play – kid-safe scissors, knife, figurines, cars, etc.



*Come back and tell me how you liked it! Share a picture or an idea for a “tool” to play with the flubber with. Send this to a friend. Enjoy!